Of Heart & Sap

With most of my recent work happening on 3d models, woodwork especially has taken a back seat for a long while by now. The want to return to craft a new piece is rising, but in the meantime I’ll use the opportunity to highlight my previous works here, starting with the Marriage Box and how it came about.

One day, I received a surprising letter in my mailbox. A friend of mine from a faraway country had invited me to his wedding. Sadly my lack of funds prevented me from going on a journey to attend their union myself, but at the least I wanted to send a part of me in my stead. 

So started the storm in my brain to float up a set of ideas which would come together in this little box, representing what a joining of two loving souls is meant to be and also keep safe the wedding bands when not worn.

Both of the main parts are made from the same piece of wood, a board of ash. One of heartwood, one of sapwood. While heartwood might be known to some as the strong, better quality wood and sapwood being something to avoid if you can, this really is only true from a very specific (and limited) point of view. So to me, this combination represents the perfect symbolism. All coming from the same root, all needed by the tree, yet each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Neither can stand upright on its own…

…but joined together, supporting one another, they form something more than the sum of their parts. Ready for their purpose, ready to be filled.

In this design, the lid acts as a connecting element as well as one keeping the contents safe from outside influence. Like a protective hand laid upon the loving partners. It is cut from Padauk, polished to a high gloss and features a pair of gilded, stylized rings, (which once again incorporate the theme of leaning on another). Like the rest of the piece, the choice of materials and finish has symbolic meaning as well as visual intent. 

Overall (in spite of my ever present inner perfectionist) I’m still happy with the design and of course that it was very well received and will be treasured for times to come. Satisfaction all around.

Wrapped up snugly for safe shipping

One thing I wish I did, now that I’m writing this post, is take photos along the way of crafting the piece. I’ve done it for other projects, but it seems the deadline on this one made me all but forget. That it consists of two identical parts, which come together through a visible, multi-dovetail joint when facing another pleases me greatly. Alas, there are only a few more photos to share and showing off interesting joints will be left to the future. Maybe it will motivate me to try something extra crazy, who knows!

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